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Undo spc handling

Benedikt Herkommer requested to merge undo_spc_handling into dev

In issue #55 (closed) we implemented a method which moves spc files. However, these changes have to be undone for two reasons:

  1. The method has a bug (line 276 in as for the glob command a "*.spc" was forgotten. Hence this method does not work.
  2. The reason why we started to implement this is that we noticed the "SiteNameYYMMDD-job06_X.spc" files in the "prf/out_fast" folder. We thought that we forgott to handle the spc files. However, they are already moved in the method "FileMover.move_results". However, there only the files "job01*.spc: to "job05*.spc" are handled. But due to the new CO2_STR band "job06*.spc" is now also produced by PROFFAST. Hence, it makes more sense to change the "FilMover.move_results" method accordingly.

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